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Card Catalogue: TITLE (U-Z & Miscellaneous)


Uncle Tom’s Cabin

1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe

Two slaves struggle mightily: one for her liberty, the other for his integrity.



1854, Henry David Thoreau

A philosopher and naturalist returns from the woods to deliver a message: Wake Up! Think! Live Meaningfully!


Whose Body?

1923, Dorothy L. Sayers

A financier goes missing and a lookalike is found dead in a bathtub.  The easygoing Lord Peter Wimsey searches for the connection.


Miscellaneous (Collected Works)

(Arnold’s early poems)

1840-1849, Matthew Arnold

A man of intellect and of spiritual sensitivity contemplates the purpose of life and its struggles.


(Pliny’s letters)

97-109 AD, Pliny the Younger

A wealthy lawyer reveals his personality and attitudes, and the way of life in Imperial Rome.


(Twain’s stories)

1865-1890, Mark Twain

A champion of common sense and nonsense casually delivers his colorful yarns, witty satires, and twisty dramas.


(Sappho’s poetic fragments)

7th-6th centuries BC, Sappho

The tenth muse expresses beauty, love, and the contents of her heart.


(Lyrical Ballads and other early poems)

1785-1799, William Wordsworth 

A poetic sage takes lessons on goodness and beauty from nature.


